Struggling with Change Management & Upskilling? | Game-Based L&D for MNCs - Think Codex

Written by: Raveena Elizabeth (Marketing Lead)


Strategic L&D in Times of Change: How Think Codex Can Accelerate Your Success

Companies across industries are facing unprecedented economic challenges. Layoffs, budget cuts, and shifting priorities can make focusing on long-term resilience difficult. However, neglecting the development of a skilled and adaptable workforce during these times carries significant risks.

This is where Think Codex, a leading provider of game-based L&D solutions, can help. We transform how organizations approach change, leadership, and team dynamics, empowering your people to navigate uncertainty and drive success.


Pain Point 1: The Challenge of Change Management

Credit infographic of the challenges of change management: Faster Capital

Restructuring and downsizing place immense pressure on employees. To thrive, they need adaptability, strong communication, and the ability to collaborate effectively across newly formed teams.

Think Codex's change management simulations immerse employees in real-world scenarios, developing the problem-solving skills and resilience needed during periods of flux. To learn more about our approach to change management, check out our ThinkAdapt blog post

Pain Point 2: Internal Hiring – Where Think Codex Fits

Sime Darby’s employees are immersed in a Think Codex’s leadership development simulation, collaborating and problem-solving.

Understandably, many companies are prioritizing internal promotions and upskilling. Think Codex accelerates this process with targeted leadership development programs designed specifically for MNCs. We bridge the gap between current skills and new roles, building a pipeline of capable leaders ready to step up with confidence.

Additionally, our team-building simulations foster the cross-functional collaboration essential for a smooth post-restructuring transition.

The Think Codex Advantage

  • Engagement and Impact: Our game-based approach drives higher engagement and knowledge retention compared to traditional training methods.

  • Flexibility: Choose physical sessions for high-impact team experiences or explore our virtual solutions for scalable, remote L&D.

  • MNC Expertise: We understand the unique needs of MNCs and conglomerates, offering tailored programs across diverse industries like banking, FMCG, oil & gas, and more.

Call to Action

Ready to transform L&D into a strategic driver of resilience? Explore Think Codex solutions. Request a demo to see our simulations in action. For further L&D strategies that can complement our solutions, check out our blog post: 5 Strategic Steps To Align Your L&D With Business Success.

Bored with Training? Gamification is the Antidote for Engaged Learners

Written by: Raveena Elizabeth (Marketing Lead)


Let's be honest, most corporate training programs could use a serious energy boost. Dry presentations, endless compliance modules... it's no wonder employees tune out. That's where gamification comes in – it has the power to transform your training from snooze-fest to something people look forward to.

What is Gamification (and Why Should You Care)?

Gamification isn't about turning your company into a giant video game. It's about using game-like elements – think points, badges, challenges, and competition – to make learning more fun, motivating, and effective. Here's the magic: our brains are wired to respond to these elements, making learning feel more like play and less like work.

Proof it Works: Deloitte's Success Story

Don't just take my word for it. Global consulting giant Deloitte revamped their leadership training with their gamified Leadership Academy. This platform uses simulations, challenges, and storylines to immerse employees in real-world leadership scenarios. The payoff? Skyrocketing completion rates and a stronger pipeline of future leaders. Check out the details on Harvard Business Review.

2 Ways to Level Up Your Training with Gamification

1. Content Gamification: Make the Material Fun

  • Break it Down: Ditch the long lectures. Use quizzes, short challenges, or interactive scenarios to test knowledge after each bite-sized chunk of learning.

  • Choose Your Adventure: Put learners in the driver's seat with scenario-based learning. Let their choices and decisions impact the outcome – just like a real-life work situation.

  • Progress = Satisfaction: Visualize progress with progress bars or level-up systems. This sense of accomplishment keeps learners coming back.

2. Performance Gamification: Reward the Right Behaviors

  • Points for Progress: Award points for course completion, skill demonstrations, or active participation.

  • Badge of Honor: Create badges to recognize achievements or milestones.

  • Friendly Competition: Leaderboards add excitement and a little healthy competition to boost motivation.


Checkout our ThinkResolve - gamified team-building simulation

How to Get Started (and Prove it's Worthwhile)

  • Set Clear Goals: What do you want your training to achieve? Gamification is most powerful when it targets specific outcomes.

  • Choose the Right Game: Points, badges, or something else? Select mechanisms that fit your goals and resonate with your employees.

  • Make it Real: Tie rewards and challenges to job skills and company goals.

  • Track the Wins: Measure completion rates, knowledge gains, and real-world performance improvements to demonstrate the ROI of your gamified training. For in-depth guidance on this, check out this guide.


If you're wondering if gamification is the right move for your team, let's chat and explore the possibilities!

Leadership Unveiled: Discovering the 'Why' That Drives Us, Inspired by Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs Journey

Leader in a group discussion with teammates

Open communication between leader and teammates

In a world where leaders often grapple with the complexities of authenticity, purpose, and innovation, understanding your core motivations can fundamentally redefine leadership. Many leaders face the challenge of navigating their roles without a clear sense of purpose, leading to decision fatigue, lack of direction, and diminished impact. Through the lens of Oprah's authenticity and Steve Jobs's innovation, we'll explore how deeply comprehending what drives you can not only clarify your leadership path but also significantly amplify your influence and effectiveness.

Credits to shutterstock of Oprah Winfrey picture

Oprah's Secret: Connecting Through Authenticity and Purpose

I had this epiphany while rewatching an old Oprah episode (yes, I still do that). It hit me – her strength was not just about the topics she chose but about her unwavering commitment to her 'why.' She connected, she inspired, and she led with her truth. Isn't that what we all strive for?

Oprah's journey exemplifies authenticity and purpose-driven leadership. By sharing her vulnerabilities and triumphs, she built a profound connection with her audience, teaching us the value of embracing our true selves.


Case Study Examples

Credit to Amazon Prime for The Oprah Winfrey Show picture

  • In 1986, Oprah took a significant risk by transitioning her successful local talk show into a nationally syndicated program, "The Oprah Winfrey Show." At a time when daytime talk shows were sensationalist and tabloid-like, Oprah shifted the format to focus on literature, self-improvement, and spirituality.

  • Embrace your unique voice and vision. Oprah's success stemmed from her authenticity and willingness to diverge from the norm. This case highlights the importance of staying true to one's values and vision, even when it contradicts popular trends. Leaders should trust their instincts and remain authentic to their vision.

Credit to for How Oprah Redefined Television infographic

  • Facing initial low ratings and significant financial losses, the launch of OWN in 2011 was deemed a failure by many critics. However, Oprah persevered, reevaluating and restructuring the network to better align with her vision and values.

  • Persistence in the face of failure. Oprah's ability to reassess and realign her strategies under pressure demonstrates the strength of a clear 'why.' Leaders can learn that setbacks are not endpoints but opportunities for growth and realignment.


Reflective Question

How can you leverage your authenticity to inspire and connect with others more deeply?

Credit to Alamy of Steve Jobs picture

Steve Jobs: Revolutionizing Technology with a Vision for Perfection

The visionary co-founder of Apple, offered a leadership model distinctly his own yet profoundly committed to excellence, setting him apart from other icons like Oprah. His relentless pursuit of perfection in user experience wasn't just about inventing new technology; it was about revolutionizing how we interact with the world, seamlessly blending art with technology in unprecedented ways. This ambition drove the creation of groundbreaking innovations such as the iPhone and iPad, each fundamentally transforming industries upon their release.

Credit to Business Insider of The First iPhone

Access to music on iPhone

  • The revolutionary design of the first iPhone, with its single button and touchscreen interface, marked a significant departure from the prevailing keypad-based phones, highlighting Jobs's commitment to user-centric design.

  • Bold visions and user-focused innovation can redefine industries. Leaders should dare to explore new territories with a clear focus on user needs.


Reflective Question

How can I prioritize user needs to disrupt and redefine standards within my industry?

  • In a bold move, Jobs introduced a device that combined a phone, an iPod, and an internet communicator. Venturing into the mobile phone market, Apple, under Jobs's leadership, demonstrated unparalleled innovation and courage.

  • Leadership requires the courage to innovate and the vision to see beyond the current market landscape. The iPhone's success illustrates the value of exploring uncharted territories, guided by a clear vision of the future.

Collecting data on user experience

The Power of Vulnerability and Vision in Leadership

Both Oprah and Jobs leveraged their vulnerabilities to forge deeper connections and drive innovation. Sharing struggles and maintaining a clear vision even under pressure are hallmarks of their leadership styles.

Credible and great leader walk

Strategies to Uncover Your Leadership Why: A Step-by-Step Guide

Discovering your leadership "why" is pivotal for navigating your path with conviction and purpose. Here’s how you can start this journey:

  • Reflect on Your Core Values

    • Identify the principles that are non-negotiable in your life and work. These core values are the compass that guides your leadership "why."

  • Assess Your Greatest Achievements

    • Consider your most fulfilling accomplishments. Understanding what motivated you in these moments can illuminate your underlying motivations.

  • Seek Feedback

    • Engage with colleagues or mentors to gain perspectives you might overlook. External insights can offer a fresh look at what drives you as a leader.

  • Experiment with Different Approaches

    • Leadership is not one-size-fits-all. Exploring various styles can help you find the approach that resonates most deeply with you.

  • Journaling and Mindfulness

    • Regular introspection through journaling or mindfulness practices can offer clarity on what influences your decisions and actions.

Incorporating these strategies with lessons from Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs, you can carve out a leadership path that is uniquely yours, driven by a clear and personal "why."

Exploring Various Leadership Styles

Credit to Alamy for the leadership keywords

Reflective Questions

1. How does my leadership style reflect my core values and “why”?

I2. n what ways can I integrate feedback and experimentation to refine my leadership approach?
  • Leadership manifests in myriad forms, each powered by a distinct "why." Consider Elon Musk's forward-looking vision compared to Jacinda Ardern's empathetic governance. These contrasting styles show that leadership effectiveness is not about the "why" itself but how authentically you align your actions with your core motivations.

  • Understanding the diversity in leadership styles enriches your perspective, allowing you to appreciate the varied paths to effective leadership. Whether driven by innovation, like Steve Jobs, or social responsibility, like Jacinda Ardern, the authenticity of your "why" is what defines your impact as a leader.

Tying It All Together: Your Takeaway

As you wrap up your day (and this blog), take a moment to ponder your 'why.' It’s not just a one-off exercise; it’s a continuous journey. Whenever in doubt, their legacy is there for inspiration.

Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs exemplify that understanding and living your 'why' can lead to profound leadership success. Their stories encourage us to find our own path, guided by authenticity, innovation, and purpose.


Discover More with the Leadership Micro Talent Program

But wait, there’s more! If this conversation about leadership and finding your 'why' has sparked something in you, I’ve got just the thing. Check out the Think Codex's Leadership Micro Talent Program here to discover how our program can help you and your leadership team discover and refine their ‘why’.

ESG in 2024: What YOU Need to Know, and What WE can do!

Written by: Gordon Tai (Gamification Designer)


In 2021, KPMG predicted that organizations prioritizing ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) practices would thrive by 2030. Today, ESG is no longer a buzzword but a mainstream movement. This article explores the fundamentals of ESG, its impact on financial success, and how Think Codex helps integrate sustainable practices.


ESG VS Sustainability: The Basics

In simple terms, sustainability means running a business in an ethical, responsible, and forward-thinking way, considering the well-being of future generations and the environment. Companies often achieve sustainability through ESG measures, which include environmental efforts like reducing greenhouse gas emissions, social practices such as fair working conditions, and governance measures like transparency and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

For investors and financial professionals, ESG is the key focus. It serves as a set of criteria to gauge a company's dedication to ethical and sustainable practices. Now, let's delve into these three ESG components.


This pillar assesses a company's impact on the planet, including carbon footprint, resource usage, and waste management. Robust environmental practices focus on sustainability, renewable energy, and reducing ecological footprints.


It evaluates how a company manages relationships with its stakeholders, such as employees, customers, and communities. Prioritizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), fair labour practices, and community engagement are key elements.


Refers to a company's internal policies, leadership, and overall structure. It assesses transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making. Areas of focus include board diversity, compensation, risk management, and ethics.

Why ESG Matters to Financial Professionals

  • Risk Management, Mitagation, and Compliance: Play a vital role in ensuring ethical standards and legal mandates are met while also minimizing operational risks. Proper employee training can help them handle industrial waste safely, reducing hazards and pollution while complying with waste management laws. This prevents financial loss due to penalties for non-compliance.

  • Innovation and Financial Performance: ESG correlates with higher equity returns and reduced downside risk. ESG-conscious companies are more adaptable to regulatory and environmental changes, driving innovation, lowering operational costs, and enhancing efficiency.

  • Reputation and Stakeholder Relations: Transparency in sustainability practices boosts a company's reputation and stakeholder confidence. ESG measures instil investor confidence and consumer appeal, leading to better access to funding and corporate expansion.

  • Consumer Appeal: Conscious consumerism is on the rise, with people actively seeking out eco-friendly companies. This shift in consumer behaviour highlights the growing importance of ESG measures. Companies recognized for their sustainability efforts, like Apple, have seen increased consumer appeal. For instance, Apple's commitment to carbon neutrality and reduced plastic packaging have contributed to its positive image among consumers and investors alike.

Think Codex's Role in ESG Integration

We actively engage with the ESG movement, propelling change within the financial landscape. Our strategic initiatives include:

Integration of ESG into ThinkBuild Sessions with AIA, ensuring sustainability is integral to shaping financial strategies. Click here to find out more how it works!

We are dedicated in promoting sustainability and building a better future. To achieve this, we have formed an exclusive partnership with Sustainability Unlocked, which is the leading learning platform in the UK for sustainability education. As their regional partnership with exclusivity in Malaysia, we are proud to offer their on demand sustainability and ESG courses providing worldwide expertise and learning opportunities to professionals and businesses. To learn more about Sustainability Unlocked, please click here!

Embrace ESG for Future Success

ESG is not just a timely trend; it's a strategic imperative. As businesses worldwide embrace ESG principles, financial professionals must explore Sustainability Unlocked courses and initiate dialogues with organizations like Think Codex. Ultimately, I believe that ESG will become more than just a buzzword - it will be a cornerstone for success in the years to come.


The Leadership of Tomorrow & Why You Need to Be Part of It

Leadership isn't just about managing; it's about adapting, innovating, and understanding our dynamic global landscape. To thrive in tomorrow's leadership, you must uncover the 'why' behind every action, decision, and strategy. That's why we've designed a transformative leadership training program that goes beyond the surface.



Learn leadership strategies that fit the demands of the future, where innovation, adaptability, and forward-thinking are the keys to success. Transform your leadership style and achieve exceptional results.


Leaders often find themselves facing intricate and ambiguous problems. Our ThinkOut simulations provide a dynamic platform for developing and honing problem-solving skills. With ThinkOut, leaders can tackle challenges with precision and confidence.


Our program equips you with the insights and skills to navigate the future, fostering your personal and professional growth, and helping you become the leader the future demands.



You have the flexibility to tailor your package. Choose any 3 products from our BEW (Business Experience Workshop) and Business Simulation offerings to get up to 10% OFF!


how do you grow into leadership roles?

Unlock your full potential as a leader with our comprehensive leadership program. Our program spans three levels, catering to junior, middle, and senior leaders, and is packed with coaching, assignments, simulations, pre & post analytics, reports, and presentations. With our program, you'll receive personalised coaching and effective strategies that will help you grow both personally and professionally. Whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to take your leadership skills to the next level, our program has everything you need to succeed.

*T&Cs Apply

Don't miss out on this limited-time opportunity to save while unlocking your leadership potential. Connect with us now to find out more how does this program help your leadership team!

How can you ensure your employees have these top 3 soft skills in 2024 and help them develop these essential skills to drive success?

Written by: Gordon Tai (Gamification Designer)


The professional world has undergone a major shift due to the global pandemic in 2021. Companies around the world have embraced rapid change, pivoting towards digitization, leading to remote work and a surge in employee upskilling. As a result, many companies are investing more in upskilling than ever before. 

As we approach 2024, the working world is preparing for another transformative phase. Generative AI is set to disrupt almost half of workers' skills in the next five years. This means it's more important than ever to have a workforce that can adapt and be resilient. The question on everyone's mind is: "What skills will define success in 2024, and how can organizations prepare?"

The Soft Skills Imperative

Recent research by IBM, involving 3,000 leaders and 21,000 workers across 20+ countries, has shed light on the increasing demand for soft skills beyond technical expertise. These skills include time management, collaboration, and communication.


Here's how HR professionals can take action:

1. Time Management Mastery

  • Offer time management workshops or seminars for employees, providing practical tips and tools to enhance their time management skills. Create a resource library with time management resources for ongoing development.

2. Cultivating Collaboration

  • Implement cross-functional team projects that require collaboration. Encourage team members to share their experiences and best practices in collaborative settings. Create a collaborative workspace to foster teamwork.

3. Effective Communication

  • Offer communication training programs emphasizing active listening, clear speaking, and conflict resolution. Foster frequent team meetings to enhance departmental communication.

A Unified Solution: ThinkAdapt by ThinkCodex

To bridge the gap between recognising the importance of soft skills and effectively fostering them within your organisation, we introduce ThinkAdapt by ThinkCodex.

ThinkAdapt functions as both a teambuilding simulation and crisis management theories. Teams engage in an adrenaline-charged environment, where they:

  • Master Time Management

  • Prioritise Collaboration

  • Emphasise Communication

By deploying ThinkAdapt, HR professionals can reinforce the soft skills development journey within their organisations. It's a real-world solution that mirrors the challenges businesses face today.

We've successfully partnered with esteemed clients such as Nestle, AIA, and Sumitomo-Mitsui Banking Corporation, witnessing firsthand how ThinkAdapt equips professionals with the essential skills needed to thrive in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

Testimonials from our learners


As we head towards 2024, HR professionals need to focus on developing soft skills such as time management, collaboration, and communication. ThinkAdapt simulation by Think Codex can help prepare your team for the challenges of tomorrow!

Revolutionizing Corporate Training: The Power of Gamified Learning at KPMG and British American Tobacco

Written by: Raveena Elizabeth (Marketing Lead)

Hello there, dear readers!

We live in an age of corporate training that often feels more like a chore than a transformative experience. Slide after slide of uninspiring content and endless multiple-choice quizzes. But what if learning at work could be... engaging & fun?

That's the exciting question that's gaining momentum. We're not merely talking about gamification; we're talking about gamified training done right. Join us as we explore a groundbreaking study conducted at KPMG by Harvard Business Review, a prominent player in professional services.

Example of employees playing games at workplace

The study at KPMG assessed the impact of gamified training on employee performance, specifically examining the "KPMG Globerunner" program. This training incorporated gamification elements, immediate feedback, and competition, and was implemented across 24 offices over 29 months. The study found that gamified training had a significant positive impact, resulting in increased fees collected, a larger client base, and more business opportunities. It also highlighted the pivotal role of leaders in this training approach and offered recommendations for organizations looking to implement similar training programs.

Key Takeaway 1: Gamified Training Supercharges Employee Performance

  • When gamified training is executed thoughtfully, it has the power to significantly enhance employee performance. The winning recipe includes well-structured lessons with elements such as progressing through challenges, real-time feedback, earning points, and a touch of friendly competition. 

  • The results speak for themselves: a remarkable increase of over 25% in fees collected, a 16% growth in clients served, and promising new opportunities on the horizon. It's more than just a game; it's about making substantial improvements in how employees carry out their roles.

Key Takeaway 2: The Impact of Engaged Leadership

  • Now, let's turn our focus to leadership. The study at KPMG emphasizes the crucial role that leaders play in this training approach. When leaders actively participate, the results get even better.

  •  Offices whose leaders participated more than others increased fees collected by 19% more and grew the number of clients served by 7% more. Leadership involvement sets the tone for the entire team.

Key Takeaway 3: Cultivating a Culture of Enthusiasm and Play

  • Creating a work environment where playing is not just allowed but encouraged can be transformative. When leaders themselves embrace the training as an integral part of work, it sends a powerful message to the entire team.

ThinkAgility: Leadership Simulation for British American Tobacco (BAT)

Problem Statement:

  • Across the global landscape, British American Tobacco (BAT) faced challenges within its leadership & core teams to be agile with the ever-changing business environment - especially with a shift in consumer behaviour and regulatory compliance. Collaborating effectively and being able to respond to market changes was good in some teams but less so in other teams. There was a pressing need for an improved and structured way to make informed decisions and deliver results.

Our Solution:

  • Introducing ThinkAgility, aimed at delivering agile results within BAT's leadership across diverse locations, including Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, and various Asian countries in partnership with Brandt International. Through a combination of business simulation-based workshops and debrief sessions, ThinkAgility helps participants understand, retain, and apply their learnings effectively in their work.

The game aspect:

  • Participants, taking on roles as strategists, auditors, client liaisons, and region managers, embarked on a transformative journey. They were entrusted with overseeing various regions in a dynamic simulation.

  • Simulation Objectives:

    • Managing complex team dynamics and limited resources.

    • Understanding team members' strengths and limitations.

    • Developing flexibility and agility in the face of competition and unexpected scenarios.

    • Delivering results the first time in tough circumstances.

  • Before each round, they engaged in thought-provoking discussions on strategy and resource allocation. This strategic element is key in the fast-paced, ever-changing business landscape.

  • Learning Outcomes:

    • Results Agility: Navigating challenging situations to deliver results.

    • Change Agility: Comfortably adapting to change and experimenting.

    • People Agility: Effective communication and collaboration across diverse groups.

    • Mental Agility: Solving problems in unique and innovative ways.

    • Self-awareness: Recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses.

Debrief on agility concept during the virtual training session

Throughout the simulation, participants encountered deliberately crafted scenarios meant to disrupt their team's strategies, compelling them to adapt in real-time. It was more than just a game; it was a profound lesson in learning agility.

So, did it help them?

The transformation experienced by our participants was profound. They discovered a newfound agility in their approach to tasks and projects.

Here are some key insights they shared:

  • "Being agile in my approach to tasks and projects. Identifying tasks that can be executed simultaneously without dependencies. Leveraging the strengths of my team members. Remaining vigilant and ready to adapt in any situation to meet objectives without compromise."

  • "Balancing the strengths of my team with the tasks at hand. Striking a harmonious equilibrium between consistency and flexibility to achieve outstanding results."

  • “I wished that I had gone through this engagement earlier - my team would have been better equipped with managing the challenges during the rollout and pivoting of our market strategies”

The consensus is clear: this training not only motivates active participation but also encourages the practical application of learning in the workplace. It's more than a shift in mindset; it's a driving force for continuous improvement on the job.

NPS on participant’s recommendation

In essence, our collaboration with BAT in gamified training harmonizes with the insights from the Harvard Business Review. It underscores the significance of leader engagement, the creation of a learning-friendly atmosphere, and the measurement of outcomes at an organizational level.

This isn't just about education; it's about inspiring change and nurturing newfound agility when addressing work-related challenges. As one participant aptly put it, "This training got me thinking about my current role and how to enhance productivity with my team and across the business. It's about implementing change and ensuring consistency along the way."

We firmly believe in this transformation, and we're excited to continue leading the way in innovative corporate training. It's not just a game; it's a game-changer!


Transforming Team Building for the Future

Written by: Raveena Elizabeth (Marketing Lead)

*ThinkCodex is a 4-time Gold Winner for the Best Team Building Vendor as voted by HR directors of Fortune 500 organizations & MNCs. We’ll be sharing our insights and also use a case study to demonstrate what a best-in-class team-building programme looks like. 

Unlocking the Future of Team Building: Beyond Just Fun

Is team building just a fun event without real potential for change? In today's ever-evolving landscape of employee engagement, it's time to rethink the possibilities.

Imagine a world where your team-building activities not only foster camaraderie but also elevate your employees' skills and align them with your company's values. This is the future of team building, and it's closer than you might think.

The Problem With TEAM-BUILDING Programmes

When discussing team-building strategies, it's vital to keep in mind the two primary stakeholders: The Business and The Employee. The Business provides funding for these events, while The Employee actively participates in them. Although team-building events are often designed for personal enjoyment, it's crucial to understand that this is only one aspect of the overall process.

Failing to closely align employees with the core values and mission of the organization could result in a significant disconnect that ultimately affects team dynamics and organizational success. Thus, it's critical to prioritize BOTH personal enjoyment and the creation of a cohesive team environment that closely aligns with the goals and objectives of the organization. By doing so, businesses can foster a sense of unity and common purpose that genuinely benefits everyone involved.

Balancing Act: Business and Personal Value

At Think Codex, we believe in a balanced approach. We recognize the importance of both Business Value and Personal Value in team building. So, what does a great team-building event look like? It's one that effectively combines these two aspects.

The Six Building Blocks of Great Team Building

Six building blocks of great team building

A remarkable team-building event integrates at least four components from each side of the spectrum, Business Value and Personal Value. Let's explore these building blocks:

Business Value:

  • Growth: Provide employees with opportunities to learn and develop skills applicable to their work.

  • Alignment: Foster awareness and connection to your company's purpose and values through Culture & Mindset.

  • Team Upskilling: Equip employees with the principles of high-performance teams for practical application.

Personal Value:

  • Experience: Ensure enjoyment and relaxation, offering a break from work-related stress.

  • De-stressing: Allow employees to release built-up negative energy through mental and emotional wellness practices.

  • Interaction: Encourage team bonding through enjoyable group activities.

Gamification: The Catalyst for Change

In the dynamic realm of employee engagement, traditional team-building methods often fall short. They can be too basic, offering little long-term value to participants or the organization. Employees today seek more than just fun; they crave opportunities for growth and development. Enter gamification, a game-changing solution that addresses these challenges head-on.

Gamification in team building is not merely a trend; it's a necessity. It's the bridge between enjoyment and growth. Gamification transforms your team-building events into powerful tools for skill development and values alignment. 

What A Great TEAM-BUILDING Programme Looks Like

A great team-building programme must have these 4 components:

  • Increased Employee Engagement: It must be engaging and immersive, going beyond just having fun and fostering a sense of purpose and achievement.

  • Skill Development: It's a learning opportunity. Your team will acquire practical skills that can be applied immediately in the workplace, effectively closing skill gaps.

  • Values Alignment: It facilitates a deep understanding of your company's values and purpose. Your team will not only know these values but also embody them.

  • A Bit of Pressure: It adds a bit of a challenge so that teams can have a deeper-level building as opposed to surface-level bonding. According to Flow Theory, people grow best when tasks are not impossible and not too easy. This applies to teams as well. 

Case Study: AIA and ThinkBuild ESG Simulation

AIA, a prominent player in the insurance industry, recognized the need to build high-performing teams and deepen their commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. That's when Think Codex entered the picture with a game-changing solution.

Here is an example of a digital version of the ThinkBuild simulation

The implementation of a hybrid simulation model

ESG Focus Principles for AIAs

Introducing ThinkBuild Simulation, an interactive team-building experience that incorporates ESG education. This simulation lasts for over an hour and allows participants to delve into the essence of teamwork while tackling sustainability challenges. Teams work together to construct sustainable cities through planning, building, and reviewing. Although it's not as intense as our main simulation, it effectively promotes team cohesion and is a fun experience. What makes ThinkBuild Simulation unique is its seamless integration of virtual simulations and in-person interaction. With this innovative approach, all 103 participants can fully immerse themselves in the interactive experience and enjoy the benefits of collaborating face-to-face.

During the ThinkBuild Simulation, participants gain valuable insights and key learnings:

  • Understanding Team Stages: Participants can experience and understand the different stages of team development, leading to a deeper appreciation for team dynamics and alignment with Sustainable Operations' ESG principles.

  • Building and Sustaining Culture: Through sustainable city planning, teams learn how to build and sustain a culture and identity within a team, an invaluable skill applicable to their real-life work environments, where they can better understand the role of People and Culture. 

  • Problem Solving and Growth: Through ideation, problem-solving, and growing as a cohesive unit, participants gain problem-solving skills that can be effectively applied in their professional lives. This aligns with Effective Governance as part of their ESG principles. 

This holistic approach not only enhances team performance but also instils a sense of purpose and achievement in participants, making it a transformative experience that extends beyond the simulation itself.

ESG-Focused Simulations: Bridging Theory and Practice

Participants face scenarios and challenges that demand the application of ESG practices for success. This hands-on approach not only educates but also encourages critical thinking about applying ESG principles to their roles. They learn how sustainable practices can positively impact their work, their team, and the environment.

In a world where change is the only constant, the ability to adapt and improve is crucial. Gamification, with its built-in feedback mechanisms, ensures teams don't just participate but progress. It's a win-win for businesses and employees, making team building more effective and enjoyable than ever before. This collaborative element enhances not only team dynamics but also deepens their understanding of ESG principles through shared insights.

Debrief on applying ESG principles keytakeaway

Physical ThinkBuild simulation example

Measuring Success: The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model

To gauge the impact of the ThinkBuild Simulation, we employ the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model, focusing on Level 1 & 2 evaluation, which assesses participants' experience and also learning.

The infographic presents a comprehensive overview of the results attained

The Results Speak Volumes 

AIA employees rated the ThinkBuild Simulation highly, with an impressive overall rating of 8 out of 10. This isn't just a number; it's a testament to the effectiveness of gamification in team building and ESG education.

Here's what some participants had to say:

  • "Hands-on experience that tackles real-life challenges.”

  • "Engaging trainers who make learning enjoyable.”

  • "Not your typical training; the skills gained apply both at work and in daily life.”

Elevate Your Team Building with Gamification

Want to improve your team-building skills? Look no further than gamification. With its feedback mechanisms, gamification ensures that teams not only participate but also progress. This can lead to increased effectiveness and enjoyment for both businesses and employees.

Think Codex and AIA have collaborated to create an example of how gamification can be used to elevate team-building, foster ESG insights, and drive success in organizations across industries. By unlocking the full potential of your teams, you can empower them with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today's business landscape.

If you're interested in exploring different ways that team-building gamification simulations can help you achieve your organizational goals, speak to our CONSULTANT for FREE demo session today.

Are You Ignoring the Key to L&D Success? The Importance of Employee Feedback

Written by: Aaron Leong

Every Learning and Development (L&D) team’s dream is to have committed and competent employees, the vehicle that drives an organization’s growth and profit in an ever-growing business landscape. It falls to the L&D teams in organizations, small and large, to develop and retain talents with the appropriate skills and attitude, yet this challenge has only increased following the pandemic. With the changes in employee expectations, more so with Generation Z entering the workforce, it is far too easy for managers to take on a reactive mindset and prematurely conclude that employee attitude or work ethic has deteriorated.

As part of the L&D community, we are responsible for aligning employee career goals with company goals, so we must take a proactive mindset in understanding what underlies this phenomenon, and one such approach is through employee feedback.

Co-workers engaging in discussion

This article will first propose 4 ways an organisation’s L&D could benefit from listening to and acting on employee feedback. Next, we explain how employee feedback is inherently tied to the most essential elements of human motivation, which then predicts employee performance and retention.


  1. Employee feedback gives you a clear picture of the skills or support that is currently missing in the team and, consequently, what type of support or training the team needs. With the increasing complexity of the technology and problems to solve, the plethora of platforms or business tools make it challenging for L&D to accurately identify the most relevant and appropriate for their company within budget and time constraints. Prior to adopting any new tool or introducing any new training programme, L&D needs to have a clear and accurate understanding of the challenges or roadblocks currently faced by employees. As such, employee feedback would highlight said issues, allowing the L&D team to accurately identify the relevant skills required by the employees. For example, employees could be stagnant in their careers and might benefit from a more structured way of brainstorming or strategic planning, but if you manage to identify that the employees already have excellent ideas, it is possible that their struggle lies with communicating their ideas in a clear and convincing manner. Since the L&D’s role is to ensure that employees are equipped to achieve the results that are expected of their position, employee feedback could shed light on the optimal way to use the company’s resources to grow the team.

1 to 1 feedback with your manager often helps

2. Furthermore, use employee feedback to ensure that the organizational and departmental policies remain effective and efficient in the current times. As organizations grow in reputation and teams grow in confidence and expertise, the tendency to become more homogeneous and rigid increases. This means that people are more susceptible to groupthink and struggle with divergent thinking, an important aspect of creative problem-solving and critical thinking. Moreover, sometimes our standard procedures or best practices might no longer be effective or efficient. Employee feedback would then be an important data-gathering process in obtaining diverse, and even dissenting, opinions. Clarity on what still works and what requires improvement shields the team from groupthink and prepares the company for future challenges before they occur.

3. Additionally, it will ensure that the policies and processes in the organization are employee-centric, that is, the company’s vision is aligned with employees’ day-to-day work. Employees are more engaged and productive when their work and how they are treated at work are consistent and aligned with the organization’s vision and mission. For example, it would be hard-pressed for employees to think innovate and problem-solve in a culture that rewards rigid adherence to potentially outdated best practices. Rules and systems were created by people with specific purposes. Employees, the very people whom the vision and mission are meant to guide, would give you the most accurate feedback on whether the systems in place are achieving the purpose they are supposed to.

4. A subtle, and less direct, effect of active listening and acting on employee feedback is forming a culture of learning. As L&D, we act as models and examples to employees in terms of how to behave and act at work. By demonstrating that we are open to upward feedback and constructive criticism, we establish a safe environment for sharing ideas and experiences, an environment that emphasizes self-improvement and encourages humility, creating a space to have difficult conversations. A learning culture encourages employees to be transparent about their mistakes or struggles, which are important predictors of eliminating mistakes in the future. A learning culture promotes collaboration and learning from one’s peers and mentors, resulting in growth in productivity and innovation. Conversely, a culture that prioritizes performance undermines psychological safety, encouraging employees to be guarded and always on the lookout for their own performance and career. In conclusion, a culture that practices upward feedback values improving ourselves instead of proving ourselves.

Human Motivation

The aforementioned advantages of feedback in L&D touch on three important elements of human motivation. Based on the Self-Determination Theory, humans are highly motivated and demonstrate quality performance in an environment that encourages autonomy, foster relatedness, and grows their competence. By providing the most relevant support and training, we increase employees’ competency, allowing them to excel in their work career development. By designing employee-centric policies, we encourage employees to practice their autonomy as their feedback and engagement with the L&D could improve their work conditions and have an impact on the organization. Employees would then feel that they are part of the company as opposed to feeling like a replaceable cog in a machine, encouraging them to take ownership of their careers and increase their commitment. 

Example of Self Determination Theory


It is easy to forget that employees are one of the stakeholders in the organization. What is an organization without the people or the processes (created by said people) in it? As with any other stakeholders, you need to understand their needs and involve them in decision-making processes. As such, employee feedback is vital in developing the ideal team in any organization.

Let us know what are your thoughts on this in the comment below and if you enjoy reading our articles, do join our community to get latest insights on gamification and L&D.

5 Methodology Models to Measure the Effectiveness of Trainings: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by: Andrew Lau (CEO of Think Codex)

As companies invest more in Learning and Development (L&D) programs to help employees acquire new skills and stay competitive, measuring the success of these programs becomes increasingly important. In this article, we'll explore different methodology models that L&D professionals can implement and the critical metrics they need to measure to demonstrate the value of their programs. We start off by examining the most widely used learning effectiveness model – Kirkpatrick Model and then comparing other models against it. 

Kirkpatrick Model by Donald Kirkpatrick

The Kirkpatrick Model is one of the most commonly used methodology models in L&D. Developed by Donald Kirkpatrick in the 1950s, this model has four levels of evaluation:

L1 Reaction: This level measures how learners feel about the training program.

L2 Learning: This level measures how much learners have learned from the program.

L3 Behaviour: This level measures whether learners have changed their behavior due to the program.

L4 Results: This level measures the impact of the program on the organization's results.

The Kirkpatrick Model is a valuable framework for evaluating the effectiveness of L&D programs. However, it's important to note that the levels are hierarchical, and each level builds on the previous one. For example, learners are less likely to learn from the program if they don't react positively to the program. They are less likely to change their behavior if they don't learn from it. And if they don't change their behavior, the program is less likely to positively impact the organization's results.

Comparative Methodology Models

In addition to the Kirkpatrick Model, there are other methodology models that L&D professionals can implement to evaluate their programs:

Phillips Model by Jack Phillips

This model takes a step further by not just measuring Levels 1 to 4 which is similar to the Kirkpatrick Model but has a Level 5 measuring the return on investment (ROI) of the training program. The Level 5 ROI measurement uses data from L2 Learning, L3 Behaviour & L4 Results to create a model for finding out what monetary returns the organization is actually getting back from the training dollars spent.

L1 – L4: Following Kirkpatrick Model
L5: Return on Investment

In the form of calculation,

ROI (%) = (Net benefits of the training program / Total program cost)  x 100

In the end, the Level 5 calculation comes up with a percentage (%) of ROI. While this is something that is indeed good to measure, there remain a number of challenges in implementing Level 5. Among them:

1. High cost of effort to measure L5 – it takes extensive data collection and working with a number of stakeholders to get accurate data.

2. Delayed Results – as a lot of effort is required, the results of L5 can often be delayed beyond the expected timelines of evaluation by stakeholders.

3. Accuracy of measurement – while calculating, there are a number of assumptions made to put both tangible and intangible factors in focus. Some of these are subjective and up to interpretations depending on stakeholders. It’s important to note that this challenge appears in L4 of the Kirkpatrick & Phillips model to a lesser extent.

4. Ideal but not pragmatic – while it’s great to have these measurements, very few training programs warrant L5 measurements. Jack Phillips himself noted that only 5-10% of training programs require measurements at L5. 

5. Lack of data or cooperation from the customer – sometimes a customer just does not have the data required to make a L5 measurement as not all companies track the data of their operations. In the absence of such data, it is often a painstaking process of creating new data sets which can require additional work for stakeholders – which leads to resistance from them.

Brinkerhoff Model by Robert Brinkerhoff

This model is also known as Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Model (SCM) which emphasizes the importance of post-training support and reinforcement to ensure that learners apply what they have learned. Brinkerhoff states that traditional evaluation models such as Kirkpatrick & Phillips models were wrong to just focus on assessing the scope of a training’s effect. He says that the true measure of business results is from performance. SCM is not concerned about finding the average performance of training participants (Kirkpatrick & Phillips Models), but focuses on looking for extreme examples on both ends of measurements.

As such this model measures the performance of the most successful participants and the least successful participants as use cases to understand how well did a learning program perform. The model looks at contrasts or extremes from both ends by seeking to understand 2 important areas:

  1. In a best-case scenario, how well did a program perform? This is derived from analyzing participants who show the most increase in performance after a training program.

  2. In a worst-case scenario, how badly did the program perform? This is derived from analyzing participants who may show the least or no increase in performance after a training program.

Brikenhorff Model

How this model differs from Kirkpatrick & Phillips models is that it requires a few things:

  • The development of an Impact Model – the definition of what success looks like.

  • Creating a Success Case Study.

  • Creating & implementing surveys that can identify best-case and worst-case scenarios.

  • Conducting interviews.

  • Documenting successful cases.

  • Drawing insights, summarizing conclusions, and providing recommendations to stakeholders. 

Kaufman Model by Roger Kaufman

This model is based on Kirkpatrick’s model and seeks to improve on it by looking at measurements at a detailed level (L1a and L1b) and big picture level (L5). It’s broken into 5 levels – though if counted, there are actually 6 levels.

  • L1a Input: This level covers training materials.

  • L1b Process: This level covers the delivery of the learning process.

  • L2 Acquisition (Micro): Individual & small group payoffs. Did the learner “acquire” the learning?

  • L3 Application (Micro): How well the participants utilize what they have learned on the job.

  • L4 Organizational Results (Macro): Organizational level payoffs – business results.

  • L5 Customer / Societal Results (Mega): Customers & Society payoffs – the 2 major stakeholders that an organization serves.

Here are some key differences in the Kaufman Model:

1. Group ‘clients’ into Micro (Individual & Small Group), Macro (Organization), and Mega (Customers & Society). This is found in L2, L3, L4 & L5.

2. Divides Kirkpatrick’s Level 1 (Reaction) into Kaufman L1a (Input) & L1b (Process).

3. Introduces a new Level 5 (Customer & Societal Results) which looks at a much broader picture.

So what are the pros of the Kaufman model? Firstly the split in Kirkpatrick’s L1 (Reaction) breaks down the experience into 2 Kaufman factorssupporting materials (L1a Input) and delivery (L1b Process). This helps to isolate the issues of experience by looking at the quality of materials or the quality of delivery.

What are the cons of the Kaufman model? While aspirational and good from a high-level view, trying to measure customer & societal payoffs (L5) require extensive effort, time, and budget. There’s also a high level of ambiguity as there are too many factors at play when we talk especially about customer & societal impacts. In fact, by measuring at L5, it’s hard to isolate these impact factors. This goes against Kaufman’s original intent in where else the goal in L1a & L1b was to isolate factors.

So on one hand, the goal was to improve on Kirkpatrick’s model by isolation (L1a & L1b), L5 instead went against the same goal of isolation, thus giving conflicting views on the Kaufman Model.

Where does Gamification Fit Into all these Models?

Firstly, what is gamification? Gamification is the use of game phycology & game mechanics in non-game environments while achieving non-game outcomes. Such a use case is Learning & Development.

Coming back to learning evaluation models, at the core – most models measure 4 things:

  • Experience – What was the experience like?

  • Learning – What did the person learn?

  • Behaviour – Is there a change in behavior at work?

  • Results – What individual, team, or business outcomes can be seen?

Gamification’s methodology itself is not an evaluation model but instead is considered one of the most effective ways to drive impact at the levels of Experience, Learning & Behaviour which ultimately leads to Outcome. Let’s break it down to how gamification does that.

  • Experience – a great experience comes from the right type of engagement. Gamification and game-based learning use the methodology Creation (Ideation & Experimentation) as opposed to just Consumption (Information Download) found in most learning methodologies.

  • Learning – the most important learning comes from not just the acquisition of the knowledge but rather the application of the knowledge. The application of knowledge is typically where challenges and problems will appear. As such, it’s critical that application can happen within the learning session itself. Game-based learning methodologies such as Business Simulations (emphasis on Business) allow participants immediate application & feedback. Coupled with debriefs that tie it back to organizational context, learning becomes highly effective.

  • Behaviour – one of the challenges of getting a learner to change their current behaviors is their current habits. Often what is learned is forgotten or replaced with resistance to old habits. Gamification’s iterative and habit-looping techniques get the learner to learn new & better habits which are then overlaid on top of old habits. When learners are back at work, they then begin to practice what they learn from the new habits.

Results – a changed behavior comes down to 3 factors:

  1. The ability to retain the knowledge learned

  2. The retrieval of new habits

  3. The confidence to try out what was learned.

The confidence factor comes from the retention of knowledge and retrieval of new habits. If a learner can remember what they learned and also act out what they learned, then there is confidence to behave in a new way – which then leads to business results.

How to Choose the Right Model

1. Do you have data in place for measurements? If you know where the data is, then a number of models might work.

2. Do you want to create new data sets for measurements? This can often be a complex and long process.

3. Do you have the cooperation of the different stakeholders? Measurements not only require input from the HR professional but stakeholders from the business. Many often have no

4. Do you understand the different models? Do you know what is measurement required and how success is defined in each of the models and how it will fit into your organization?

5. Does the effort required makes it worth getting the results? In essence, this is a cost-benefit analysis. Is the results worth the trouble of going through the measurements – some of which require extensive effort.

Using Different Models For Different Learning Programmes

Should we use different models to measure different training programs? From an outcome perspective, this is ideal. From a practical perspective, the costs may far outweigh the benefit. Our recommendation is using different models should be determined by:

1. What type of results do you really need?

2. What type of effort are you willing to put in?

3. What type of monetary cost are you willing to invest?

4. What type of support do you have in the organization?

5. What level of expertise do you or your vendor have on the different models?

Why Measure L&D Metrics?

Before delving into the different methods for measuring L&D metrics, it's important to understand why it's necessary. Here are some key reasons:

  • Measuring L&D metrics helps organizations understand the effectiveness of their training programs and identify areas where improvement is needed.

  • By measuring the ROI of L&D initiatives, organizations can justify the investment in these programs and secure funding for future initiatives.

  • Improve employee engagement which can lead to increased productivity and reduced turnover.

  • Increase employee performance because when they have the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs well, they are more likely to perform better.

Measuring the effectiveness of L&D programs is crucial to ensure that they are achieving their intended goals. By using key metrics and frameworks such as the Kirkpatrick Model, organizations can get a better understanding of the impact of their L&D programs. Subscribe to Think Codex's content and explore our other resources to learn how to measure their effectiveness and achieve your goals using frameworks like the Kirkpatrick Model.

5 Strategic Steps to Align Your L&D with Business Success

Written by: Raveena Elizabeth

We’ve seen it all too often. L&D is seen as a support function (a.k.a backup) or a rapid response team (aka fixer) when the business suddenly needs to manage a people gap problem. L&D can be viewed as a secondary infrastructure and called upon only when help is needed. It doesn’t have to be like this. L&D professionals need to understand business strategy and then create an aligned L&D strategy for the business's success.

Enter the L&D Strategy and it’s 5 steps

Do we really have clarity and know the business strategy and needs? Most of us get our understanding from the few lines written inside a Training Needs Analysis document.

A learning and development (L&D) strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how an organization will meet its professional development needs and achieve its business objectives. It is time-bound, meaning it has a specific time frame for completion, and sets measurable goals and objectives. Failure to do this just makes the L&D function out of scope, outdated, and an unwanted distraction from “real” work.

The goal of an effective L&D strategy is to provide employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve their performance, enhance their engagement, and contribute to the overall success of the business. This blog post will explore the different types of business goals and how L&D teams can design and implement an effective learning and development strategy.

Step 1:  Understand the Types of Business Goals

The first step in developing an effective L&D strategy is to understand the types of business goals that an organization can have. These goals can be broadly categorized into two kinds: business-related goals and employee-related goals.

How To
Often the need of the organization will include both in a single intervention by L&D. Here’s the key, even when it seems like a simple request in an email, always schedule a call with the stakeholders – decision makers, potential participants, and perhaps any other people that the training can impact. Often we will find that there is a notable difference between what is written in an email and what is revealed in a meeting. The details you get in the meeting help you to craft a more focused and accurate L&D solution. Don’t skip the meeting!

Once you gain clarity, it’s time to move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Conduct a Skills Gap Analysis

This involves evaluating the skills and knowledge required to achieve business goals and comparing that to the skills and knowledge currently possessed by employees. The analysis can be conducted using a variety of methods, such as Training Needs Analysis (TNA), surveys, assessments, focus groups, or interviews. Once the skills gap has been identified, organizations can create targeted training and development programs to close the gap.

How To
It’s crucial to ask BOTH the employee what they view as their gap and also their line manager to see what is the gap of the employee. Do not communicate the results of the other party to each of them until both of them have completed this process. This is to prevent bias and also groupthink between both the results.

Step 3: Design Learning Programs

Training need analysis vector

Effective learning programs should be designed in a way that aligns with business goals and addresses the specific needs of the workforce. This involves using various learning methods such as Instructor-Led Training (ILT), eLearning, On-the-Job Training (OJT), Gamification, Simulations, Mobile Learning, and Social Learning to cater to different learning styles and ensure that employees can apply the new knowledge and skills to their jobs.

How To
Remember it’s not the type of training that matters – that’s the method only. Use whatever method that gives the best results. Some methodologies may be more suitable for high engagement and practical applications such as gamification based simulations.

Step 4: Measure and Evaluate L&D Effectiveness

Source by AIHR

To ensure that L&D programs are effective and contribute to business goals, this can be done through various methods, such as surveys, assessments, and performance evaluations. This helps identify areas where improvements can be made and ensures that the organization is getting a return on its investment in L&D.

Step 5: Communicate and Collaborate with Key Stakeholders and Measure and Evaluate L&D Effectiveness

Effective communication and collaboration with key stakeholders are critical to the success of aligning L&D strategy with business goals. This includes working closely with senior leaders, managers, and employees to ensure that the training and development programs are aligned with the overall business strategy. Also, help to identify areas where improvements can be made and ensure that L&D efforts are relevant and practical.

To illustrate the importance of aligning L&D strategy with business goals, let's take a look at a real-life example (studied by Deloitte, 2023) A major German information and communications technology company faced several challenges: A lack of highly demanded IT skills, a low turnover rate, a high average age of the workforce, and insufficient business performance. 

To overcome these challenges, the management team of the company decided to kick off a large-scale agile transformation that involved over 60% of its total workforce. By re-up-skilling existing staff into agile roles and adopting agile methodologies, the company not only significantly increased its business performance but also developed a thorough learning culture within the organization that made learning in the flow of work a key pillar of its strategy.

This case study highlights the importance of aligning L&D strategy with business goals. The IT company recognized the need to re-skill its workforce to meet the demands of the market and improve business performance. By aligning L&D initiatives with the company's strategic goals, the company was able to achieve a successful transformation and develop a culture of continuous learning within the organization.

However, if the company had not implemented an L&D strategy that aligned with its business goals, it may have continued to struggle with a lack of skills and insufficient business performance. It may have also missed the opportunity to develop a learning culture that could drive innovation and growth.

In conclusion, it's crucial for organizations to align their L&D strategy with their business goals to achieve success. However, it's equally important to continuously evaluate and update the strategy as the business landscape evolves. I encourage you to take action and regularly assess your L&D strategy to ensure it remains aligned with your business goals and helps drive your organization's success.

Need our expertise in helping you to achieve your business goals? Click here for a free consultation!

Making Sound Decisions With Critical Thinking

Making Sound Decisions With Critical Thinking

How do we make consistent and good quality decisions? This one of the biggest challenges at work and it's where critical thinking come in. Understand how our brain's thought process is structured and the 7 steps required to become a better critical thinker.

How to Start Right

Written by: Andrew Lau

Pictures, Certificates, our first published article, our first dollar made as an entrepreneur, the first sketch drawn by our kids…

Screenshot 2021-02-11 at 11.48.44 AM.png

Why do we put frames on things such as these? Why do we hang it up on the wall or display it somewhere visible? Is there a message we want to convey or is it there to remind us of certain memories? 

When something is framed up, it tells 3 different stories about what’s inside the frame. 

1. A frame is used to focus our attention to what’s on the inside. A frame says “This is Important”.

2. A frame is used to protect what’s on the inside. A frame says “This is Precious”.

3. A frame is used to accentuate what’s on the inside. A frame says “This is Worthy”.

Regardless of our roles as a leader, employee, student, parent, brother, sister, colleague or friend; what’s “on the inside” that you’re trying to frame in your life?  I believe these are 3 questions we can ask ourselves:

1. What’s “on the inside” that I am trying to bring focus to?
2. What’s “on the inside” that I am trying to protect?
3. What’s “on the inside” that I am trying to accentuate?

Is it an ideal, a set of values, a group of people, a way of life, an unmet achievement, emotions or a moment that reminds you what’s “on the inside”? 

If we want to start the year right, we should think about what is important, what is precious and what is worthy to us. It could be about a goal in the future, it could be lessons from the past, or it could be about living in the here and now. Whatsoever it is, I would like for us to think about these things.

Lastly, let’s take one step further together. At the end of the day, what ultimately matters is what we do with it. So as much as we reflect, we need to respond. Respond not because we want to put on a show for others to see… but respond because these things are important, precious and worthy to us and our loved ones. This, in my opinion, is how we start the year right.

A New, Innovative Solution in Learning Gamification

Written by: Edward Teoh

More often than not, HR and L&D practitioners within companies big and small are looking for fresh and innovative solutions to fill up their learning calendar. After surveying a number of clients, we have found that “gamification” in training and developing employees is no longer just a buzzword, but a tool that most companies (83% of respondents) have already tried in one form or another.

Yet, what we’ve found is that most did not apply gamification at an advanced level (usually as one-off training programmes). 75% of those surveyed further indicated their willingness and high likelihood of applying gamified training solutions in the future. With so much attention and interest in gamification, is there a better way to approach gamification in corporate learning and development?

As is with most things, it’s never “what you do”, but “how you do it” that matters more. Let’s look beyond the traditional LMS options or corporate training solutions, and take a deeper look at gamification with its distinct levels.


Gamification practitioner An Coppens has laid out the 3 levels of learning gamification:

Article image.png

It’s not uncommon for companies to attempt at incorporating gamification into their learning initiatives, but only at Level 1 (Content Gamification) with elements such as quest & missions, scenario-based learning, choices & consequences and others. There remains a rich amount of untapped gamification potential under Level 2 (Systems Gamification) and Level 3 (Evidence of Learning Gamification).

Normal training (virtual or F2F) may not work well enough, as development gaps and learning challenges in most organisations require rapid upskilling– something a typical training methodology is not equipped to handle. Single training sessions might target a single variable but leave development gaps unaddressed. We want to wield the full potential of Gamification elements like habit-building, skills improvement, progression tracking and shareable proof of learning to address these shortfalls.


Over the years, Think Codex has delivered a number of gamified solutions to numerous Fortune 500 and Multi-National Corporations, and has synthesised a fresh approach in learning gamification using Level 2 and 3 of Learning Gamification. STACKS is a collection of award-winning gamification solutions that utilise action-biased methodology to deliver business results.

Instead of coming up with a single gamified session or solution, STACKS is a power-packed gamified learning programme package. Whether you face a challenge in performance management, organisational culture, digital transformation, sales & customer service-related issues, there is a STACK for that. In consultation with us, you may pick and choose from the menu of gamified training solutions from Think Codex to build your learning programme.

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Find out more about STACKS by visiting our website at

Dealing With The Aftermath Of 2020 (Part 1)

Written by: Kerry Wong

It has only been a little over six months since the year started, but 2020 has exceeded all reasonable expectations. Continuing from 2019, the devastating Australian wildfire was the first large scale crisis of 2020 that dominated the world's attention. Shortly after that, WHO officially declared Covid-19 as a pandemic and countries began implementing various forms of lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus.

 The magnitude and speed of collapse in activity subsequently caused the world economy to suffer, and both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have since issued statements that the world is facing its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930s. There has also been a movement against police brutality and discrimination across the globe. Honestly, it feels like 2020 is an insanely tricky hidden level I stumbled upon in a game, with boss characters popping up one after another and I am neither equipped nor prepared.

 In this article, I want to explore the impact of the recent events on millennials and Gen Z as consumers through my perspective as a millennial.

Economic Downturn and Change in Spending Behaviour

As the world is collectively suffering a severe recession, the global unemployment rate has soared within the past few months. Accounting for a third of the workforce and falling within the younger end of the spectrum, millennials and some GenZs are, unfortunately, the disproportionate holders of the kind of positions disappearing the fastest. On top of that, as most millennials began entering the workforce around the time of the previous financial crisis, most were unable to accumulate wealth and gain the financial security the previous generations enjoyed. As job security is uncertain, millennials are now more likely than ever to be careful with their spending. While they are known to be willing to splurge more on conveniences and comfort, non-vital or impulse purchases should significantly reduce as priority will be focused on surviving and prepping for the unknown.

However, that does not mean that they would entirely give up on all conveniences and comfort. Besides deciding whether a purchase is necessary and the price is justified, millennials and GenZs will likely be more selective with who they decide to do business with as well, especially if there are similar products with similar price points from multiple companies. According to the 2019 Deloitte Global Millennial Survey, millennials and GenZs tend to speak with their wallets. They are willing to start and stop relationships with a business for very personal reasons. The figure below shows some of the reasons why they have started or ended a business relationship.

Source: Figure 9 – Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019

Source: Figure 9 – Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019

As storytelling is becoming more prevalent and used to engage consumers, a product or service is no longer seen as a standalone offering, and younger consumers are now considering all aspects of the company. They understand that if they want companies to change, the best way to do so would be to stop their relationship and hit the companies where it hurts the most, their bottom-line, as continuous buying would only reward the behaviour and perpetuate the situation.


Heightened Sense Of Responsibility Towards The Environment And Society

As can be seen in the figure below, the top personal concerns for both Millennials and Gen Zs is climate change and protecting the environment. With the loss of more than a billion individual animals and thousands of native flora during the Australian wildfire and the heart-breaking imagery and videos shared across the internet, millennials and GenZs are likely to be more concerned about the environment than ever. It is also not comforting that we seem to come across more record-breaking climate phenomena every year, such as "Hottest-Ever Year for The Planet's Atmosphere" or "UK's Wettest February On Record Since 1862".

Source: Figure 2 – Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019

Source: Figure 2 – Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019

In a survey conducted by YPulse pre-pandemic, 54% of the respondents said that they regularly worry about climate change and 67% of them said that they had already changed some of their behaviours because of it. Even as the pandemic and quarantine are ongoing, young activists are bringing climate strikes and protests online, and many are still having discussions about it. They obviously will not be forgetting about it anytime soon, even in a post-pandemic world.

 Besides climate change, millennials also believe that businesses have a responsibility to improve the livelihood of their employees and improve society, on top of running the actual business. The figure below provides some statistics on how millennials perceive companies. As we have observed how the tragic death of George Floyd has sparked a global movement against police brutality and social injustices, it shows that not only are millennials and GenZs active and vocal about issues directly impacting them, but they are also willing to engage on behalf of people who cannot do so for themselves. Growing up with the internet, millennials and GenZs have had access to different viewpoints, cultures, and resources from a much younger age, which have allowed them to be more fluid in the way they perceive the world.

Source: Figure 4 – Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019

Source: Figure 4 – Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019

What Should Businesses Do?

First off, it would be a good exercise for a company to evaluate their values, internal processes and see whether it aligns with the priorities of millennial and GenZs. Assuming that a company have evaluated their values and internal processes and made any necessary updates or changes, the next step would be for the company to communicate it to the public. At this stage, companies can incorporate some gamification to engage the consumer further and motivate them to select their company over their competitors.

The 2 core drives of gamification I would be touching on would be Epic Meaning & Calling and Social Influence & Relatedness. Epic Meaning & Callingis the Core Drive where a person believes that they are doing something greater than themselves or they were "chosen" to do something; while Social Influence & Relatednessis the Core Drive that incorporates all the social elements that drive people such as mentorship, acceptance, social responses, companionship, as well as competition and envy.

 An example of a business that has incorporated both core drives in their brand is Body Shop. By announcing and promoting their various endeavours such as their "Forever Against Animal Testing" campaign and "Community Trade", their commitment to trade fairly with suppliers and ethically source ingredients, they have essentially attached a world mission, an epic calling, to their products. In an industry where these are common issues, which some people are genuinely against and concerned about, the idea that buying your skincare products from Body Shop will help support the community is extremely motivating.

 Besides that, as social creatures, we are very much influenced by what our peers feel and think about us. When we perceive a behaviour to be a widely accepted social norm, we tend to have a stronger urge to do the same as we want to be part of it. Referring back to Body Shop, if more people around you start using the products, and talking about the causes and impact it has on society, it will create a compelling situation that will motivate you to look into the brand as well.

 However, with that said, while gamification can assist with getting a consumer engaged and more motivated to check out your brand, if your product is of bad quality or you were not transparent and honest, millennials and GenZs will call the bluff and walk away. Companies need to walk the talk.

 Stay tuned for my next article as I will be exploring the impact of the recent events on millennials and Gen Z as employees.



The Realities of Remote Working during a Pandemic.

Written by: Bryan Woo

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, several governments across the globe have implemented some form of quarantine order in their respective countries, to minimize the spread of the disease. Malaysia is no different, as our government has issued a Movement Control Order (MCO), reinforcing stringent social distancing amongst its citizens in order to cope with this pandemic.

As a result, many organizations have no choice but to adopt compulsory remote working into their work culture. To say that this change in working style and environment has been disruptive would be an understatement, as many employees have their fair share of struggles balancing between work and home commitments, all while in the confines of their own homes. 

 At the time of writing, we are well over 3 months since the MCO has been implemented. Throughout this period, we have been receiving requests from clients of various backgrounds on solutions that may help their employees cope with their new working environments. 

With that being said, let’s take a look at some areas that will heavily be impacted by long-term, compulsory remote working and what can be done to help individuals better adjust:

Productivity & Engagement

Workplace productivity typically describes the amount of work your staff can do within a certain number of hours or amount of labor cost. Most established organizations would have set up ways to measure and track productivity in their workforce, including staff who primarily work remotely. Furthermore, it is important that these measures are implemented in a manner that is within an atmosphere of trust and let employees feel that they are not being spied upon.

Unfortunately, even the most sophisticated measures can still be challenged by an ongoing pandemic, causing many organizations to be concerned with maintaining productivity as well as employee engagement. As the lines between work and non-work hours begin to blur, many firms will be at substantial risk of long term employee burnout. Research has shown that employees will feel that they are compelled to always be responsive to work-related duties, even if it is not urgent (1). This may be further amplified due to ongoing worries over COVID-19.

With that being said, our team at Think Codex has identified key areas of productivity that play a crucial role in keeping employees engaged with their work while not sidelining their mental and physical wellbeing: Clarity, Routine, Focus and Wellness

i) Clarity

When people are unclear, time and effort are wasted. Ask yourselves, are you able to set clear goals with your team? Are these goals being measured and to what extent? Daily? Weekly? And lastly, what is being done to keep employees accountable and transparent to their goals?

Having a system that states what is expected of employees on a daily or weekly basis will ensure that goals are being measured in a clear and concise manner. 

ii) Routine 

Clear routine gives a sense of purpose as a motivator so that employees understand what their objectives are for the day. Furthermore, this helps them better plan out their workdays and set clear distinctions between hours dedicated to work commitments and hours solely for rest and family. 

Granted, it will take some time for many individuals to ease into a routine, especially those with demanding family responsibilities. That is why a strong support system must be made available to help these individuals settle into their new routines with minimal complications.

iii) Focus

People who are not focused end up spending their time doing anything but their most important work. Hence, it is important that boundaries are set in place to minimize distractions. It can be as simple as setting up physical boundaries such as dedicating a room or a spot at home solely for work purposes and nothing more.

Aside from this, organizing work based on priority will allow individuals to accomplish their most important tasks in an order that best fits their schedule. 

iv) Wellness

It has become increasingly common for many organizations to prioritize employee welfare, thus implementing healthy workplace practices to help foster a culture of wellness. Unfortunately, in the case of remote working, this can sometimes be often overlooked mostly due to distance and a lack of visibility amongst employees.

That is why it is crucial for employers to encourage a culture of support, where employees are able to rely upon and communicate with one another when needed as well as emphasizing the importance of self-care practices. After all, good work is associated with better physical and mental health, and even less absenteeism. 

Team Dynamics & Collaboration

In any work setting where shared goals are the norm, team dynamics can either make or break an organization. Because each member is reliant on each other for success, it is imperative that clear communication as well as equal participation are present in a team, so that a culture of collaboration can be fostered.

However, employees who belong in full-time remote teams may struggle as they rarely meet up in person, yet often work on multiple shared projects together. Furthermore, efforts to collaborate within remote teams are often subjected to virtual distance, in which an over-reliance on smart, digital devices to communicate may lead to teams disconnecting (2).

With all this in mind, we can see that there are two main factors at play in shaping effective remote working teams: Communication and Team Identity.

i) Communication

Workplace communication is an uncommon challenge in many organizations, more so in the case of remote working. Any team that lacks effective communication will hinder efforts to achieve collaboration and productivity. Fortunately, there are some best practices that we can refer to, in order to minimize poor communication.

Firstly, it is highly recommended to establish communication norms by being explicit about how your team should communicate. Doing so will not only remove the ambiguity that so often surrounds workplace communication, it also provides a helpful guide on how team members are expected to interact with each other. Aside from this, organizations can even take a step further by incorporating virtual “water cooler” sessions by allowing team members to dedicate time to talk about non-work related matters. These can include things about their interests or even to check up on one another.

Aside from this, remote teams will benefit from identifying mediums/tools to best promote communication and collaboration. Not only will it provide an outline of what kind of messages should be sent through which mediums (e.g. emails, WhatsApp, etc.) , but also prevent team members from being bombarded and overwhelmed by multiple work messages from too many channels.

Lastly, organizations can also look into channels that reduce a sense of distance among team members, such as switching remote communication to regular video calls, which may be better for establishing rapport and creating empathy.

ii) Team Identity

When people feel a sense of community, they are more comfortable reaching out to others and more likely to share knowledge. Hence, team members who share a strong team identity will encourage a culture of trust and support among its members.

The first step to achieving a strong team identity is to clearly define and establish a shared goal. This can be done by clearly defining their goals, timeline as well as the level of authority among team members in relation to a project. Doing so will encourage a sense of unity as well as the accountability that will help push teams to succeed. This will also make developing processes to help team members keep each other in check much easier. 

Naturally, having a strong team identity can encourage more collaboration among team members through idea sharing and brainstorming to accomplish a common goal, providing everyone an avenue to equally participate. Furthermore, this will provide an avenue for employees to build relationships, communicate well and resolve conflicts creatively, which can have a major impact on team collaboration. 

As the Covid-19 pandemic rages on, many organizations are forced to be agile in order to create opportunities during this time of uncertainty. We at Think Codex are no different. In fact, our newly developed gamified digital programs are created with the sole purpose of helping organizations address the challenges presented in this article. If you find this relevant to your organization, please contact us at

We look forward to working with you and helping your organization overcome whatever challenges this pandemic might bring to your workforce. 





If COVID-19 is A Game

Written by: Gabriel Goh

Before you start reading, imagine yourselves in the future. The concept written here is hypothetical.   

Time Travel 

 In 2047, Covid-19 has simmered down and as many real-life epidemics and tragic incidents, games are created based on the real events that happened in the past so that people could learn from these incidents even though they do not live through them. In 2047, there is ONE online game that always remains #1 on the Top 10 Games Chart since the first day it was published.   

The game would be known as “Pandemic – COVID19”.  

This would a cooperative game that requires players to work cooperatively to stop the spread of the coronavirus. In this game, each player will be given a region of their own to manage. To win the game, they will need to discover a cure in getting rid of COVID-19, while minimising loss of life and maintaining citizens' well-being in their respective regions.

Now, let us dive in and see how this game would be the number one game, hypothetically. You might think it’s the game mechanics that will be making it a top seller. You’re partially correct, but what would play a bigger role are the core drives that are being implemented in the game.

What is core drive? According to Yu Kai Chou’s Octalysis framework, 8 core drives motivates human behaviours. They are the “why” that makes us perform certain actions. In this game, you will discover 3 core drives, namely Loss & Avoidance, Social Influence & Relatedness and Empowerment. 

Core Drive 8 – Loss & Avoidance 

This is the drive where people are motivated through the fear of losing something or having undesirable events transpire. This core drive is intended to motivate players to keep playing the game.

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Source: Loss & Avoidance Design: Ultimate Loss vs Executable Loss by Yu-Kai Chou

In this game, COVID-19 (the antagonist) is contagious and it spreads rapidly from one person to another. It will demands the players to constantly log in to the game so that they could perform in-game actions to ensure the citizens in their regions are safe. Other than COVID-19, players would also need to manage social issues such as groceries hoarding and rebellious citizens. 

 If they don’t return to the game, they will lose when the impact of COVID-19 is accumulated and becomes out of control. These incidents might intrinsically motivate the players, compelling them to proactively be involved in the game to avoid these negative outcomes. 


Core Drive 5 – Social Influence & Relatedness

This core drive incorporates all the social elements in driving people, including competition, companionship and so on. As humans are social animals, this core drive works well by tapping into our desires to connect and compare with one another. 

In the game, there will be a real-time tracker that shows the number of infected citizens and the last thing players want is to see their regions appear on the top of the tracker. Due to social pressure, they are to invest more time and effort in making sure they are off the tracker. 

Alternatively, the tracker is also be used to motivate the players to offer help. As humans are empathetic creatures, they are naturally driven to support those who are struggling to perform well in the game based on the tracker. 

Besides that, there is also a forum where players could exchange tips on how they manage their regions with one another. At this point, they could receive different forms of help to eradicate the disease that could not be achieved on their own. Players are less likely to lose interest once a sense of community is achieved in this game. 

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Source: Detroit Institute of Arts


Core Drive 3 – Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback 

This core drive emphasises on “play”. Players who are driven by this core drive tend to be creative and always experiment with new ideas through trial and error. 

This game will allow room for creativity as players get to bring their imaginations to life. Players get to be creative in coming up with different rules & regulations to keep their regions safe from social issues and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, they will have the chance to invent and experiment with a variety of technologies in discovering a cure for the virus. 

However, how will they know their actions are effective? Fortunately, a comprehensive feedback mechanism is designed in the game to answer this question. With the feedback mechanism, players will be constantly driven in coming up with improvisations to replace methods that don’t work based on the information derived from the real-time tracker, citizen panic level, region status and other indicators! 

This will be a great game as it taps into players’ innate desire to create and affect the environment around them through their imaginations.

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Source: Why Giving Feedback Matters by Lucidchart


What keeps the players engaged in the game isn’t really all about the game mechanics, but the core drives underlying them. This game serves as an example on how designers utilise the power of gamification to keep players engaged all the time.  

 Will you give this game a try? 


Flow In Learning Gamification

Written by: Edward Teoh

Minute upon minute, and hour upon hour, the undiscerning video gamer lost track of all sense of time, hunger, thirst and fatigue. It is already midnight, his face lit only by the morphing screen in a dark room, yet nothing else in the world seemed to matter to him.

Fascinated by the way artists lose themselves at work– their singular focus at producing art, how both brushstroke and painter merge as one, and how they lose the perception of time; Mihály Csíkszentmihályi coined the term ‘Flow’ in 1975. Flow is often described as a state of hyper-focus, when one is fully immersed in performing a task at hand. The Flow state is achieved when both the ‘skill level’ and ‘challenge level’ of a task is matched (at a high level).

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Source: The Experience Fluctuation Model by Massimini, Csíkszentmihályi and Carli (1987)

Games are a powerful medium through which the flow state has been induced successfully without fail, for millennia. The sweet-spot of converging the ‘challenge level’ of the game with the player’s ‘skill level’ is continually achieved through the “scaffolding” phase– where the game difficulty is ever-marginally increased to match the player’s improved skill levels. The neurochemistry at work in our brain’s hardwiring makes us indefensible towards the highly addictive elements of operating under game-like environments.

We have come a long way in our ability to create fun and addictive games, helping people tap into the Flow state. This led to the intuition and realisation that we could harness the power of games, and “gamify” other areas that matter to us as a society. Gamification has in recent years experienced an exponential rate of adoption in various areas, as people can now be self-motivated (in the Flow state) to perform certain actions to achieve desired outcomes– an ‘autotelic’ response.

One area of gamification that has gained traction can be found in the corporate training and the learning & development area. Various gamified learning solutions were designed to simulate the real workplace and business situations, to allow both business leaders and team members to learn experientially through gamification. These gamified learning solutions temporarily extract workers from their day-to-day work environments, and allow the participants to play, test out ideas and put into practice newly learnt theories. This playground of sorts allows participants to play without fear or restrain, as the simulation mitigates the risks incurred by making mistakes and nullifies the opportunity cost of making wrong decisions.

By gamifying learning and development in business, the participants/learners can continually improve on their soft skills and technical skills. Gamified learning solutions serve as a medium that allows them to tap into the Flow state by arriving at the sweet-spot– by converging the ‘challenge level’ of the game with the participants’ prevailing ‘skill level’. The solutions can also be designed to simulate a marginally tougher and more challenging business environment, causing the participants to progressively learn and pick up more sophisticated skills.


Source: The Experience Fluctuation Model by Massimini, Csíkszentmihályi and Carli (1987)

Participants usually begin with an emotional state of ‘Worry’ when they are introduced to the gameplay in a learning simulation. At this stage, guidance is required to teach participants how to play through a series of demo rounds. Throughout the gameplay, participants will increase their level of mastery through course correction and iteration. The simulation difficulty can then be increased in tandem, so that participants move on to higher experiences of ‘Anxiety’, ‘Arousal’, and lastly, ‘Flow’.

Under the Flow state, participants will be hyper-focused to learn and tackle challenges in various areas of business, such as strategic thinking, problem-solving, sales and marketing, culture and others. This is a highly valuable state where learners become self-motivated to learn. With each successive round comes the opportunity for participants who are “in the zone” will reiterate, tweak and perform ideal business practices and make decisions. This warrants the transferability of learnings from within the simulation, into the real workplace.

After all, what is the point of putting valuable people through endless training and wasting countless manhours, without seeing actual and measurable business results? As the business mogul, Mary Kay Ash once said “A company is only as good as the people it keeps”, the following may also be true– “A company is only as good as its investment in people is”.

Our New Gamified Learning Solutions!

Our team has been hard at work in 2019 coming up with new gamified solutions for corporate training in subject matters such as Performance Management and Business Acumen which are vital for an organisation.

Below are the details of our new offerings:

Performance Management Simulation


THINKCRUCIAL is set in the smartphone industry where each team’s goal is to develop the best smartphone in the market by managing performance through effective coaching methods. This is a competitive simulation where participants are placed in teams where they compete with each other to be the best smartphone manufacturers in the market.

In THINKCRUCIAL, participants learn emotional awareness in order to maintain employee well-being before, during & after the performance management process by utilising the Emotional Intelligence Model


THINKDISRUPT is a competitive simulation where teams are split into 2 categories: big corporates and disruptors, which are then pit against each other to develop and grow their respective businesses and manage their financial health while navigating through an ever changing environment.

In THINKDISRUPT, participants are able to analyse and understand financial statements, effectively evaluate the financial impact of business decisions, understand the key elements of Business Acumen, including 
strategy, financial, marketing and sales, operations, and people management.

We strive to produce world-class gamified learning solutions to empower businesses and organisations across the region as we continue to bring gamification toe the forefront in corporate training.

Head over the Contact Us page to schedule a chat with us. To know more about our other products click here

Gamification in Motivation

Written by: Sufiz Suffian

Gamification has become a buzz word as of late with many growing interest in the subject, particularly on how gamification could be injected into other areas, be it in learning, product and service design, and more. This has a lot to do with it being closely associated with increasing engagement and fun. But what makes gamification so engaging and fun in the first place? The very idea of gamification doesn't necessarily mean creating a game, as many would mistakenly believe. If that was so, it wouldn't be much of a surprise as to why people would find it that enjoyable in the first place. Rather, gamification by definition is taking engaging elements in games and applying them in a different environment. So not exactly a game, yet it is game-like? The best way to possibly approach this is to understand what makes something engaging in the first place.

An “engaged employee” is said to be someone who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests. In other words, engagement is all about motivation. So, to properly engage people, it is imperative that we understand what motivates people to begin with. Motivation can be broken down in different ways but for all intents and purposes, we will focus on two variances of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. When a person is extrinsically motivated, their behaviour is motivated by an external factor pushing him/her to do something in hopes of earning a reward or avoiding a less-than-positive outcome. On the other hand, when a person is intrinsically motivated, their behaviour is motivated by their internal desire to do something for its own sake. Among the two types, most would obviously prefer the latter. Yet if we look at the foundation of today's world, most of it is built on extrinsic motivation.

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Consider the industrial revolution, where technological developments played a pivotal role in fostering the growth of industry, from railroads to steam engines to electricity. But with new advancements came a new set of challenges, how can these be best managed and maintained for sustainable growth? Businesses were being run haphazardly and incredibly inefficiently. To combat this, a gentleman named Frederick Winslow Taylor invented "scientific management". In essence, scientific management is a theory of management that analyses and synthesizes workflows. Its main objective is improving economic efficiency, especially labour and employee productivity. The heart of it all? Extrinsic motivation. It promoted the idea of "a fair day's pay for a fair day's work". However, as the years went by and new innovations appeared on humanity's doorstep through the efforts of brilliant individuals and companies, resulting in a more complex world and increasingly sophisticated inhabitants, we find that we are still stuck in the shadow of scientific management and continue to focus on rewarding the good and punishing the bad.

This incompatibility comes from the change in how we do work today compared to when scientific management first came into existence. Back then, almost all work was algorithmic where one would merely need to follow a set of established instructions down a single pathway to one conclusion. Today, most of these tasks are either outsourced to cheaper nations, automated, or made obsolete by other advancements in technology. Most of what we do at work today is heuristic in nature, where one would need to experiment with possibilities and devise a novel solution to most problems of today. Scientific management's carrot and stick ethos works best for algorithmic tasks, but can impair heuristic ones. Some might think paying someone a large amount of currency to do any given task would motivate them significantly, but most often than not the opposite tends to occur.

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Studies have shown that paying or rewarding someone to do good deeds such as donating blood or volunteering would in fact reduce their motivation to do those things compared to when they were not paid to do them in the first place. Countless other studies and experiments have been conducted all over the world where one group of test subjects were given a reward to complete a series of tasks while another group was given no reward for doing the same tasks, and the results were all the same. Rewards impaired motivation. It simply took the joy out of doing the tasks, causing performance to suffer, foster short-term thinking, and sometimes even encourage unethical behaviour and cheating.

Wikipedia, undeniably the largest encyclopaedia in the world, is free and created and edited by volunteers from around the world. None of its contributors were given financial rewards for their work despite billions of people using it in their own pursuit of knowledge and curiosity. As we've learned, rewarding these volunteers would probably lead to the downfall of Wikipedia. So why does intrinsic motivation drive us so much? To create masterpieces of art, to find cures to deadly diseases, and to create the next disruptive innovation? And most importantly, how can we inject intrinsic motivation into our workplace to increase engagement of our employees and managers? The answer lies in one word - Autonomy.

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Autonomy means acting with choice, be it choosing when to go to work, how to solve a problem, and where you do work. Having a sense of autonomy has a tremendous effect on individual performance and attitude. It promotes greater conceptual understanding, better grades, enhanced persistence toward challenges, higher productivity, less burnout, and greater levels of psychological being. In other words, autonomy is creating an environment where people can make their own choices freely, which is something gamification excels in. Sure, some choices they make may not yield the best results immediately. But in the long-term, they'll make the right choices that work best for them. But with this much autonomy, surely there is room for abuse? Control is needed right? Control leads to compliance, whereas autonomy leads to engagement, and only through autonomy can we truly reach our full potential and even achieve mastery.

So rather than creating more linear processes for employees to comply to, giving them more freedom to approach work however and whenever they prefer might be better (with some clear boundaries set of course) as this creates the right environment for intrinsic motivation and autonomy to foster and spread.

Sufiz Suffian is the Chief Business Officer of Think Codex, a Gamification Consultant & Trainer.

You may reach out to him via